Candance Family News

Monday, March 26, 2007

Kams first day at the park. He likes the swings

Hi every one It has been a while has'nt. We are all doing fine.
Kam is getting so big and is saying mom and momo dada and a lot of bable. he is cralling and he is a momas boy.
He is almost 9 mo old and quite a handfull.
It is finely getting worm but I still have not been on the bike yetand it is going to be cooler for my weekend of on the 30 this mo in the 60's I like to ride when it is in the high 70;s .
W had a wough winter alot of snow and ice I missed work one day becouse of it. I could not get out of the driveway.
I did not think it was ever going to get worm here it stayed in the teens for so long and it is bad when you feel it is a heat wave when it is 32 out.
Well I am being told by Kam he is getting hungry. I still have to get some shopping done today and I think Kam and I will go to the park and play.